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How to Buy and Why Soak Legumes or Pulses (Beans)
April 1, 2013  —  10:30

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Food Health Uncategorized | Comments: 1

But First, What Are Legumes or Pulses?

spilling the beans

To start, I had to look up the difference between a legume and a pulse… pulses are the edible seeds that grow on a legume.  Legumes are shrubs, herbs, and trees that produce pod-shaped fruit. The pods are what hold the pulses (such as peas).  For the rest of the post, I’ll just say ‘beans’, though most of what I refer to in this post applies to other pulses as well, such as chickpeas, mung beans, lentils, peas, peanuts, etc.

Purchasing and Using Beans

Beans are also a food that helps us more…

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