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{Guest Post} What is Candida? Do I Have It?
October 30, 2013  —  12:11

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Giveaways Health Recipes | Comments: Off

candida symptoms

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This is a Guest Post from Paula of Whole Intentions. Have you ever wondered if you have candida? Due to health issues not being resolved in her family, Paula found naturopathic medicine and dove into a real food diet, including going gluten free. She, like myself, found that all those steps helped tremendously, but they weren’t the complete answer. Like peeling the onion, there are often layers of healing that need to be addressed. She found that candida was a major issue. And, though her family was now on a healthier eating path with real foods, she needed more…

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5 Tips to Have Healthy Food On Hand
October 29, 2013  —  10:00

Author: Erica Duran | Category: Food Health Shopping | Comments: Off

5All my clients need the healthiest food so that they can keep their energy up as they are growing their businesses and to support their overall lifestyle. I borrow a lot of tricks from my time in culinary school and scale it down for a household.

Here are a few tips that more…

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Do You Believe You Can Get Better?
September 27, 2013  —  16:26

Author: Joan Weisman | Category: Health Inspiration | Comments: Off

believe sign

A Positive Outlook

Health problems can be so disheartening. Even minor problems like a sprained joint or a flu can temporarily shake your confidence. Recently, I strained my wrist in yoga. The pain got bad enough that I had to take 10 days off from practice. When I got back, I had lost flexibility in the rest of my body. Even worse, I found myself so afraid of re-injury that I was doing only more…

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Enter The Healthy Home GIVEAWAY! Over $1000 Value!
September 23, 2013  —  23:00

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Giveaways Health | Comments: Off

Happy family outdoor in summer - collage

A huge Thank You to The Road to 31 for hosting this giveaway and letting us participate. There is no obligation to buy anything, simply enter in the rafflecopter near the bottom of the post and enjoy taking a peek at all the wonderful products that are available to help create a naturally healthy home.

Creating a Healthy Home for Fall

As we enter into the Fall season there are many things that we think of and prepare for.  We love to watch the colors change, break out those comfy sweaters, and enjoy all of the good food that comes with Autumn.  There are so many great and enjoyable things that sometimes we forget about those things that creep up on us as the weather changes and the holiday season arrives. more…

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FREE Online Health Seminar
September 22, 2013  —  15:41

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Food Health Resources | Comments: Off

Green Living SummitI just found out about this seminar last night.  It’s FREE and it starts TOMORROW and will air for the next 10 days.  It was put together by fellow blogger, Nickie Knight, who overcame developmental delays, allergies and illnesses as a child.  She and her blog are dedicated to informing others about healthy surroundings (including food) and how it all impacts ones life.

I was super excited about it.  I signed up myself to listen and also to help promote it because I was really impressed by the panel of speakers.  more…

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Have You Discovered the Beauty of Essential Oils?
September 19, 2013  —  14:10

Author: Erin Hilgert | Category: Health | Comments: Off

rosemary_opt (1)What are Essential Oils?

Most of us have heard of, smelled and possibly even used essential oils, “natural aromatic compounds found in the seeds, bark, stems, roots, flowers, and other parts of plants. They can be both beautifully and powerfully fragrant.” If you have ever enjoyed the smell of a fresh cut orange, a walk by a field of lavender, or the smell of fresh mint or basil, you have experienced the aromatic qualities of essential oils. more…

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Guest Post: Gluten Free. Have You Been Thinking About It?
May 18, 2013  —  15:00

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Food Health Uncategorized | Comments: Off

gluten freeA couple days ago, I had the pleasure of meeting Rebecca Speert. After months of trying to connect – due to a mutual friend (thank you Jodi) who mentioned this website – we finally met up! Over a cup of tea, we talked for a couple hours about ourselves, our passion for health (which often comes from illness) and what drove the changes that we made to eating more nourishing foods.

One of the questions I often get when talking about food is more…

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Dirty Dozen Plus and Clean 15
May 1, 2013  —  19:33

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Food Health Shopping Uncategorized | Comments: Off

fruits and vegetables1As we know, the cost of buying organic vs. conventional fruits and vegetables tends to be more expensive.  And, to help save a bit of money there are some conventionally grown fruits and vegetables that aren’t cause for concern.  But, there are some that we should also steer away from.  The EWG recently released its 2013 Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce.  It includes the Dirty Dozen Plus and Clean 15 – an easy reference to take to the grocery store as you buy those all important fruits and vegetables. more…

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How to Buy and Why Soak Legumes or Pulses (Beans)
April 1, 2013  —  10:30

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Food Health Uncategorized | Comments: 1

But First, What Are Legumes or Pulses?

spilling the beans

To start, I had to look up the difference between a legume and a pulse… pulses are the edible seeds that grow on a legume.  Legumes are shrubs, herbs, and trees that produce pod-shaped fruit. The pods are what hold the pulses (such as peas).  For the rest of the post, I’ll just say ‘beans’, though most of what I refer to in this post applies to other pulses as well, such as chickpeas, mung beans, lentils, peas, peanuts, etc.

Purchasing and Using Beans

Beans are also a food that helps us more…

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Have You Checked Your Fish Lately?
March 23, 2013  —  23:55

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Food Health Uncategorized | Comments: Off

Do We Want Genetically Engineered Salmon on our Plates?

GE Salmon half Center for Food Safety

Have you heard of Frankenfish? It’s a name given to AquaBounty Technologies’ genetically engineered Salmon. AquaBounty Technologies is a small American biotechnology company that increases the productivity of aquaculture: creating fast growing specimens (such as salmon, trout, and tilapia eggs) by genetic engineering. It seems like something you’d hear in a science fiction novel. It’s real though, and their GMO fish has been in the making for more than 17 years. Their engineered salmon has been patented and goes by the name of AquAdvantage Salmon. These GMO salmon grow twice as fast as other farmed Atlantic salmon and therefore reach “market size” in less time. more…

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