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GAPS Resources and Support

Books, Websites & Blogs:

Information, Resources, & Recipes

Gut and Psychology Syndrome by Dr. Campbell-McBride


Internal Bliss – GAPS Cookbook by Dr. Campbell-McBride blog by Baden Lashkov Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) website Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) recipes


Resources: – Find a GAPS Certified Practitioner Near You


Videos on GAPS or with Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride:

Doctor and nutritionist Natasha Campbell-McBride challenges some popular myths about healthy diets:

Interview with Dr. Campbell-McBride by Dr. Mercola at
Interview with Dr. Campbell-McBride – Part 1
Interview with Dr. Campbell-McBride – Part 2
Interview with Dr. Campbell-McBride – Part 3
Interview with Dr. Campbell-McBride – Part 4
Interview with Dr. Campbell-McBride – Part 5
Interview with Dr. Campbell-McBride – Part 6


Support Groups – In Person:

check local meetup groups by doing a search on and change the Search Criteria for your area at


Support Groups – Online: – This group is dedicated to supporting and healing the digestive tract with the help of Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride’s program as outlined in her GAPS (Gut & Psychology Syndrome) book. Please feel free to ask questions and post comments you feel will be beneficial for group members. Our goal is to help everyone through this difficult process of digestive healing. Feel free to share original GAPS recipes, personal experiences, and suggestions. Digestive healing is a very long and difficult process. You shouldn’t have to do it alone! (Judys notes – I have been a member of this group for years and it was extremely helpful as I was starting with GAPS for my daughter – I’m sure the other groups would also benefit anyone who has questions as they are on their GAPS journey). – This is a support group for the Gut and Psychology Syndrome Diet. This group is for those following the diet as outlined by Dr. Natasha Campbell-McBride. Members are encouraged to post questions, help and support other GAPS families, share recipes and GAPS living ideas. This group is not designed to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. All messages are for information purpose only and not designed to be a substitute for medical advice. – Our goal is to support people who wish to navigate or implement the Gut and Psychology Syndrome protocol by Dr Natasha Campbell-McBride to restore digestive health. The forum provides an opportunity for people to share their experiences and knowledge about GAPS topics and allows new comers to gain an insight on what to expect during the program. We aim to establish networks across Australia, New Zealand and other Australasian communities and visitors from other parts of the world who are also welcome to join us.

Other support groups in Australia:


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