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Soaking Nuts Recipe
January 31, 2013  —  16:25

Author: Judy@LHNH | Category: Food Recipes Uncategorized | Comments: Off

Soaking nuts makes them more digestible, provides more nutrients, takes out the anti-nutrients and the flavor is enhanced. Drying or dehydrating nuts helps to preserve nutrients.

soaking walnuts by Chiots Run via FlickrMy daughter is unfortunately allergic to nuts so I couldn’t take my own pictures. But, soaking and drying nuts and seeds is something I have done before my little sweetie was born – they taste so much better than the store bought roasted nuts. Though, I certainly didn’t realize all the benefits to buying raw, organic nuts, and soaking them, until I researched more and wrote my post “Are Nuts Really Healthy?”.

Soaking and drying nuts are very easy to do; only a few minutes of mixing things up and transferring them to a pan, the rest is really just waiting more…

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